As far as nutrition is concerned, eggs have much to offer. With about 70 calories in a large egg, they are an excellent source of protein that helps stabilize blood sugar levels and provides structure to the body. Egg protein is also of high quality, providing all essential amino acids.

Egg yolks also contain antioxidants that protect against heart disease, stroke, and certain cancers (even though you must have heard other sages!).

A large egg is also a great source of antioxidant minerals that combat cellular damage and vitamins that help transform carbohydrates into energy. This is important for solid bones and teeth.

Photo by Trang Doan from Pexels

It has been found that the meals that have eggs in them are far more satisfying than those that do not. It was observed that eggs may increase satiety more than a carbohydrate meal and may even help reduce the consumption of calories between meals.

Now, after reading everything above, you decided to eat eggs every day without fail.

Eggs are a source of saturated fat and too much-saturated fat increases the total level of LDL (bad cholesterol), thus increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.

A large egg has approximately 180 milligrams of cholesterol. It is recommended to reduce dietary cholesterol to 300 milligrams per day.

For those who have a heart condition, type 2 diabetes, or high levels of LDL (bad cholesterol). The American Heart Association and the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) suggest restricting cholesterol consumption to 200 milligrams per day.

However, the saturated fat of an egg is mostly concentrated in the egg yolk.


Whole eggs (with yellow): 70 kcal (7 g protein | 5 g fat | 1.6 g carbohydrates)

Egg whites (no yolks): 17 kcal

All you have to do is keep a record of your weekly/daily egg consumption, like everything else. And choose a double serving of egg whites with whole eggs. Also, alter it in accordance with heart health and other diseases or body needs.

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